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Dec 03, 2021

Results of the Learning Center notoriety survey

Results of the Learning Center notoriety survey

The Learning Center recently carried out a notoriety survey aimed at the HEC community, to evaluate the impact of its communications.

This survey was distributed in two stages:

  • from 18 to 31 October to staff members and faculty
  • from 2 to 16 November to students/participants

First of all, we would like to thank you for your participation in the survey, which enabled us to collect over 300 responses.

Today, we are pleased to present the results of:

the staff members and faculty surveythe students/participants survey
Click here or on the image to download the pdf

(only available in French)

Cliquez ici or on the image to download the pdf

(only available in English)

Below, you will find the most significant elements that emerged from the 2 surveys combined:

  • You heard about the Learning Center by word of mouth,
  • In general, you do not know the Learning Center very well,
  • Many of you indicated that you did not know about the Learning Center’s website,
  • For those of you who visit our website, you mainly consult our online resources,
  • you would like to receive information about the services we offer.

Your feedback will allow us to adapt our communication strategy from 2022!

The entire Learning Center team would like to thank you again for your time and the quality of your responses.

As we are committed to the continuous improvement of our services, we invite you to send us your comments or suggestions at: learning-center@hec.fr

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