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Jul 06, 2023

Discover your new search portal

Discover your new search portal
The Learning Center’s new search portal has gone live! Launched on Thursday, July 6th, it replaces our former Focus search tool and Flora Catalogue.

A single point of access to all the Learning Center’s printed and electronic resources: databases, books, journals, articles, dissertations, etc.

In practical terms, our portal allows you to search by bibliographic reference or keywords. You can also use filters to refine your results (by “resource type”, “availability”, “location” or “date”, for example).

This change of platform also means a new library account to better manage your loans. Once connected, you can benefit from additional features:

  • View and renew your loans,
  • Reserve a document,
  • Save queries,
  • Export reference lists,
  • Create favorites,
  • Etc.

The aim? Simplify your search and locate documents more easily.

Our search portal will continue to be updated and developed during the month of July, such as the databases covered by our subscription, which will be integrated directly into the platform in the coming weeks. During this transitional phase, our previous tool, Focus and alphabetical list of databases remain active.

We’ll get back to you at the end of summer with more information (FAQ and tutorial) to help you get to grips with how to use the search portal.

In the meantime, we remain open to your questions, so please do not hesitate to contact us at: learning-center@hec.fr

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