Jan 11, 2023
HEC Career Fair

Within the framework of the HEC Career Fairs, which will take place on January 16, 17 and 18, the Learning Center offers you a selection of books, articles and databases to help you prepare for interviews, improve your CV and make the difference among the other candidates.
Stand out!
- How to write a killer LinkedIn Profile
- Advanced LinkedIn
- What Color is your parachute?
- Case in point – 11th edition
They have been placed on the presentation cubes at the entrance of the Learning Center. You can find more books in the “Career” section.
Tips to get hired:
- Harvard Business Review : 38 smart questions to ask in a job interview
- The Wall Street Journal : How to ace the remote job interview (Create your personal account to access The WSJ)
- Chemical Engineering Progress : Career Connection – The carpe diem job interview strategy
Develop a career path:
- Consult Firsthand, a Career-Building Platform that helps you navigate your career journey
Gather information on companies:
To go further, you can consult our databases to :
- Obtain information on compagnies: Orbis, Capital IQ
- Consult information on the French and International markets: Factiva, Europresse, Delphes
- Know and exploit the markets by taking advantage of studies already carried out: Statista, Marketline, Xerfi