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Feb 07, 2022

Our selection for the Earth Week

Our selection for the Earth Week

As part of the 3rd edition of Earth Week, which takes place from February 7 to 12 on the HEC campus, the Learning Center offers resources related to the various themes that will be addressed during the week: environment, ecofeminism, sustainable finance, biodiversity, climate, agriculture…


  • A series of films dedicated to the environment on our video on demand service –  Mediathèque Numérique
  • Responsabilité et environnement : Captage, stockage et utilisation du carbone – Cairn
  • The relationship between the environment-climate changes-economy – Article EBSCO

To go further, consult Greenfile, our database dedicated to academic articles on environmental issues.


  • “Féminin sacré et sensibilité écoféministe. Pourquoi certaines femmes ont toujours besoin de la Déesse” (2021) – Cairn
  • Ecofeminisme and environmental ethics – Ebook

Sustainable Finance 

  • La contribution de la finance verte et durable à la performance extra-financière” – Cairn
  • Placements verts, mythes et réalités – Book available on Flora

To go further, consult RSEDatanews, our database dedicated to academic articles on environmental issues.


  • La biodiversité en sursis – Cairn
  • Using technology to improve the management of development impacts on biodiversity – Article Wiley


  • L’Arctique : à l’épreuve de la mondialisation et du changement climatique –  Book available on Flora
  • Le bien commun, le climat et le marché : Réponse à Jean Tirole – Book available on Flora
  • Accounting for climate change – Article EBSCO


  • Les seigneurs de la terre – L’appel de Cérès – Tome 01 – Book available on Flora
  • Les seigneurs de la terre – To bio or not to bio – Tome 02 – Book available on Flora
  • Les seigneurs de la terre – Graines d’espoir – Tome 03 – Book available on Flora

You can also find dissertations from the Master Sustainability and Social Innovation (SASI) on our Flora catalog (option “tous les champs” –> SASI and type de document” “Mémoires et thèses”) and a list of newspapers on sustainable development available here.

To go even further, we suggest 2 books dedicated to permaculture, to accompany you in your ecological approach:

  • Débuter son potager en permaculture – available on Flora
  • S’engager dans une AMAP – available on Flora

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