Carrefours HEC – Career Fair

You want to brace yourself for the Carrefours HEC – Career Fair which will be held from 17 to 20 January. The Learning Center can help you by providing you a list of resources (books, articles, databases) to:
Prepare your interview:
We have put together a selection of books and articles to help you prepare for interviews, improve your CV, avoid trick questions, etc.
Heard on The Street: Quantitative Questions from Wall Street Job Interviews
Case in point: Complete Case Interview Preparation
What color is your parachute?
Soft skills : Développez vos compétences comportementales, un enjeu pour votre carrière
Le principe de l’arrogance pour que les femmes s’imposent vraiment en entreprise
Cracking the coding interview: 150 programming questions and solutions
These have been placed on the presentation cubes at the entrance to the Learning Center. You can find more books in the “Career” section.
We also recommend 2 articles:
« How to Answer 4 Basic Interview Questions », The New York Times
« Le profil type du CEO aujourd’hui », Le Nouvel Economist
To go even further, we have databases* available on the Learning Center website allowing you to:
*For some of them, additional identifiers must be requested before consultation.
Obtain information on companies:
- Data on international listed and unlisted companies
- Company directory
- Financial information (financial reports, stock prices, indicators…)
Capital IQ:
- Profiles of listed and unlisted companies
- Market data and sectors
Consult information on the French and international markets:
- News articles (analysis of the French economic, professional and specialised press)
- The Markets
- Company life
- The economic environment of companies
- Local, national and international news
- Access to press articles, TV programmes, websites or PDF editions of certain newspapers
- International news
- Access to press articles (Le Monde, Les Echos, Financial Times…)(Le Monde, les Echos, Financial Times…)
- Access to company profiles, stock market prices
Know and exploit the markets by taking advantage of studies already carried out:
- Sector studies on the French economic market
- Global studies (world)
- Reports on large groups
- International market research
- Company profiles
- Country statistics
- Company statistics, sectors of activity
- Forecasts
- Sector files
Our documentalists are at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 9am to 7pm to help and advise you in your research.