Borrow, renew, reserve, return

Borrow, renew, reserve, return


HEC Paris users are allowed to borrow materials (books, textbooks, theses, DVDs...) with:

  • a student card if you are an HEC Paris student or participant or a student from other educational institutions
  • your HEC badge or CCIR badge if you are an HEC Paris staff member
  • your Learning Center card for participants of short programs, faculty and external users
  • or failing that, an ID (identity card, passport, driving license).

You may borrow up to ten documents (books, course books, theses, literature, DVDs, etc.) at the Welcome Desk of the Learning Center or at the self-service station. The loan duration is:

  • 1 month renewable for academic books, dissertations, literature and DVDs.
  • 15 days for course books and paper journals.

However, some documents, such as certain manuals, directories, theses or dictionaries are not available for loan. These documents are marked as "Not loanable" in the search portal of the Learning Center.


HEC Paris users are allowed to borrow materials (books, textbooks, theses, DVDs ..) with:

  • a student card if you are an HEC Paris student or participant or a student from other educational institutions
  • your HEC badge or CCIR badge if you are an HEC Paris staff member
  • your Learning Center card for participants of short programs, faculty and external users
  • or failing that, an ID (identity card, passport, driving license).

You can borrow at the Welcome Desk of the Learning Center for 15 days:


From the Learning Center search portal, click on the "Sign in" link in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

If you are a member of the HEC Paris community (students, PhD students, professors and staff members):

  • Select "HEC Login" and enter your HEC login
  • Log in and click on "Library Account"

You are a student at a partner university or a HEC alumni:

  • Select "External users / HEC Alumni"

When you log in for the first time, you’ll need to create a password:

    • Click on "Forgot password?"
    • Enter your e-mail address and click on "Send". You will receive an e-mail to reset your password,
    • Enter your login details,
    • Log in and click on "Library Account".
Your library account is also available on the application "MyHEC": Menu > Learning Center


The list of your current loans is available in your library account by clicking on "My loans". From here, you can choose to renew:

  • one or more loans by clicking on the "renew" button opposite the document,
  • all your loans by clicking on the "renew all" button above the list.

Good to know! The period during which loan renewals are authorized is 2 days before the return date (Example: a document with a return date of August 31 can be renewed on August 29, 30 or 31).


You can make up to 5 simultaneous reservations for documents available on the shelves, in storage* or borrowed by another reader:

  • Search for the document you wish to reserve,
  • Open the document record by clicking on the title,
  • Click on "reserve",
  • Fill in the form fields.

Once you have completed this step, a message will inform you of your request's position on the waiting list.

Consult your reservation requests at any time in your library account by clicking on "My requests".

You will be notified by e-mail as soon as the document is available. You then have 7 days to collect it from the Learning Center welcome desk or consult it on site. After this period, your reservation will be automatically cancelled. The document will then be put back on the shelf or reserved for the next reader on the waiting list.

*Storage: a place for storing documents that are not physically displayed.


To guarantee equal access for all, loan deadlines must be respected. To help you, you'll receive an e-mail alert on the day of the return date, followed by reminder messages after the due date of your loans.

You can return books from the Learning Center to our reception desk from Monday to Friday from 9am to 7pm or drop them 24/7 in the return boxes provided:

At the main entrance of the Campus

In the hall of the Learning Center

Please note that repeated late return of documents will result in suspension of lending rights.

Consult your loans at anytime in your library account by clicking on "My loans"

If documents are not returned, they will be considered lost. In this case, you will be asked to pay a refund or to buy back the books.